no-needle  no-scalpel


  • Booking your appointments

    Pre-vasectomy consultation

    Please phone reception and ask for a pre-vasectomy consultation with Dr Dirk Venter. This 15-minute appointment is usually scheduled an hour or two before your vasectomy. The purpose of this consultation is to discuss the procedure, to answer any questions you may have and to ensure you are comfortable to go ahead. Dr Venter will provide you with a prescription that you need to fill, as well as a vasectomy consent form that both you and your partner (if appropriate) will need to sign prior to having the vasectomy.

    Vasectomy appointment

    Most men choose to book their pre-vasectomy consultation and vasectomy on the same day. However, if you prefer to wait until after the pre-vasectomy consultation to book a time for the procedure, that is fine too. Dr Venter prefers couples to have at least one day between the pre-vasectomy consultation and the procedure itself, simply to allow them time to discuss the procedure and to make certain that having a vasectomy is the right thing for them to do.

    When speaking with reception staff, please let them know that your appointment is for a vasectomy. This ensures that enough time is allocated for Dr Venter to do the procedure and that a nurse and a theatre are also booked at the same time.

  • On the day of the vasectomy

    take a hot shower

    Please have a shower and wash the scrotum carefully within two hours of your vasectomy. There is no need to shave the scrotum.

    Take the medication as prescribed

    It is important to take the medication as prescribed by Dr Venter one hour before your vasectomy. These tablets will affect your ability to drive a car, so please organise someone to bring you to the surgery and to drive you home afterwards.

    Wear supportive underwear

    Please wear a pair of close-fitting underwear to your vasectomy appointment. This helps to support the scrotum and minimise any discomfort following the procedure.


    Please be aware that the medication Dr Venter asks you to take one hour prior to having the vasectomy affects your ability to drive. Therefore, please arrange for someone to bring you to the surgery and to drive you home afterwards.

    The procedure

    The actual procedure usually takes around 30 minutes, but please allow one hour for preparation and to ensure that you are not rushed. Your partner is welcome too; they can either wait for you in the recovery area or, if you prefer, they can even stay with you in theatre.

    semen samples

    Immediately following the procedure, Dr Venter will provide you with laboratory sample forms, which you will need to take to Labtests along with your semen samples at 12 weeks. If the first sample is clear of sperm, you do not need to do a second sample. However, if there are still sperm in the first sample, you will need to do a second sample six weeks later.

  • Post-vasectomy instructions

    There is usually no need for a follow-up appointment after having a vasectomy. Dr Venter uses the no-scalpel technique, so there should be minimal swelling and bruising, and there are no stitches to remove.  However, if you have any concerns during the healing process, please contact reception and make a free, 15 minute follow-up appointment with Dr Venter.

    Take it easy

    It is important to rest for at least the first 24 hours after your vasectomy, to allow the wound to start the healing process. Please also wait at least 24 hours before having a shower, to reduce the risk of infection. Remove the dressing during your first shower. Continue to wear close-fitting underwear to help support your scrotum, until any discomfort has settled.

    The better you take care of yourself in the days following vasectomy, the less chance you will have of developing complications. Try not to lift anything heavy and avoid strenuous work and activities for at least one week. In total, it takes about six weeks to fully heal from this sort of procedure.

    Take the medication as prescribed

    Take pain relief as directed until any discomfort has settled and, if prescribed, take all antibiotics to prevent infection. Minor pain and bruising are to be expected following vasectomy and do not require further medical attention. However, if you develop a fever, if blood or pus is oozing from the puncture site, or if you experience excessive pain or swelling, please contact Dr Venter on his mobile phone (provided at the time of your vasectomy).

    resuming sexual activity

    You may resume sexual activity when you feel able (usually after about one week) but it is important to wait until you are completely free of discomfort. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, you must use a temporary form of contraception until you have received written confirmation that it is safe to stop. Only when a semen sample (done 12 weeks or more post-vasectomy) show no sperm are you considered to be sterile and the procedure deemed successful.

  • When to stop birth control

    Sperm can remain in the vas deferens above the operative site for weeks or even months after vasectomy. Therefore, to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, you must use a temporary form of contraception until you have received written confirmation that it is safe to stop. Only when a semen sample (done 12 weeks or more post-vasectomy) shows no sperm are you considered to be sterile and the procedure deemed successful.

    The first semen sample is collected three months post-vasectomy, after at least 20 ejaculations. If this sample is clear of sperm, then you do not need to do anything further. However, if there are still sperm present, you will be asked to do another sample six weeks later.


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